Thursday, May 30, 2013

Four Months, Coupons and Blowouts

  • DS is now four months old. It is hard to believe how fast he is growing! He is now 15.2 pounds and 24 inches long. He is right on track for his age; cooing, smiling, and riding imaginary bicycles as fast as possible (or practicing infant karate against unsuspecting parents lol). He had four shots and an oral vaccine yesterday and it went really well. He was smiling by the time we left the office. He has a fever today but no other symptoms. 
  • DD is growing so much to! It is a real blessing to be at home with her and see her reach more and more milestones. She can completely dress herself, she is starting to spell words we see, recognize numbers, and patterns. She is getting better at not interrupting and her attention span has gotten longer. She was the flower girl at a wedding this weekend and not only was she pretty, but she stood beside me during the whole ceremony (even if she was twirling, eating candy and putting the basket on her head...). 
  • We played "store" this morning and used the opportunity to practice counting money (and using coupons of course!). It made me realize that kids don't get the chance to see how money actually works. We simply swipe a plastic card and put it back in our purse or wallet - which explains why she always wanted to get the money back after she paid lol! I think we will make more of an effort to pay in cash so she will understand the concepts better. And by the way, I have been trying my darndest to save money with coupons, but I think I only saved $5 on my last trip... Not that I am complaining, because we would have bought the pizza, cereal, yogurt and lunchmeat anyway BUT it hardly seems worth the hour of planning I spent on it before we went to the store...
  • I am so glad we were able to visit Missouri for all the special occasions! Sorry if we were not able to see everyone this time around! It was so good to see Mel graduate, it is hard to believe she will be in college this fall! It seems like yesterday when she was staying with us, learning bass guitar, getting her first job (and second lol) and saving up for her first car! 
  • The wedding was absolutely gorgeous, just like the bride! It was a blast seeing her again and reminiscing about old times :). I do wish DS had better timing with his movements however... We had a blowout in the salon while my hair was still being done. Guess who was the only one available to change it... the bride! Poor girl :( needless to say, I had to step in, especially when the child was head down in the car seat, crying and covered in poo lol. That is one bridal party the salon will not soon forget! 

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