Monday, May 6, 2013

Catching Up

 It is amazing how this blog is new and I am already behind (Sorry mom!)! I will try to update this more regularly. The easiest way to catch up is for me to show you some pictures from the last month and a half.

Here are the glow-in-the-dark Easter eggs we made for a night time scavenger hunt. This was very entertaining!

 Here is the ice cream cake DH got me for my Golden Birthday. I turned 27 on March 27th. :)
Here is DS in one of his cloth diapers. I really like these and hope to continue with cloth. The only downside, is we may not actually be saving money because we do not have an energy efficient water heater :(


DD's monster face and a very happy baby :)

three months old
three months old

"I am what I am"

  DH getting home from work :)

I could not get a picture without DS crying! We just got home from a fantastic pirate birthday party (like something you would see in a magazine!) and I wanted to get a picture of these guys in their pirate costumes. The irony here is that DD was crying and upset the entire party and DS was happy!

Soooo sweet !!!!

  • Ok, that should catch us up. Next week DS has his 4 month check-up and shots. We will also be heading back to Missouri to get ready for everything! I am so excited to see Mel graduate and I cannot wait to be a part of E's wedding. It has been such a privilege to be a part of these girls' lives and I have been blessed by their presence in mine. 
  • Oh yeah, I have also been accepted to take the Foreign Service Officer Test (FSOT) in June. I am super excited [doing a little dance inside] but also crazy nervous! I do not expect to pass this the first time, since I can honestly say I do not know as much U.S. History as one should and I have not written a paper since college... But, this is something you can only take once a year and I would hope to pass it next year, or the next... :). I am also wanting to finish my Bachelor's in International Studies, once DS gets a little older, and that should better equip me. This is something DH and I have been talking about and researching for the last year and I still feel drawn to this field/career so, why not? Maybe God is planting that desire now to lead us somewhere we never imagined???!!! 

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