Saturday, October 1, 2016

Away In A Manger

Part of our experience was visiting Bethlehem, specifically the Church of the Nativity which is located on the spot that some considered to be over the cave that marks the birthplace of Jesus. Let me just say, this was something I was really looking forward to without really knowing what to expect. If you are interested in learning about church history or architecture, it is a great place to visit. And that's where I'll leave it. :) Also, since this was in the West Bank area, security was somewhat of a concern. The tour bus dropped us off, left and came back to get us. We did not stop anywhere along the way to sight see. We simply went to the church, took a tour and left.

First Impressions. This is the parking garage of a mall. 

Not to be confused with Starbucks...

The Church of the Nativity. We came just as the call to prayer was sounded off (loudly) at the nearby mosque. Our tour guide had to wait until it was finished before he could continue.  

Beautiful floors underneath the wooden walking path. We came during major renovations.

Scaffolding, incense, and ornate decor.

Entrance to the grotto. 

This is it. The spot marked by the church showing where Jesus may have been born. Was it what you were expecting? 

Ugly lightbulbs don't discriminate. I groan every time one of these gets used in my house!

1 comment:

  1. You got great pics of this! Mine were very disappointing! I believe my pic of the garage area was a pic of the Hard Rock Cafe there!
    Love remembering this, it was such a tremendous trip with you. I love you my beautiful daughter
